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Monday Update For April 1st

Oh my goodness it’s April! This is where we are supposed to say something unbelievable like, “Rockin’ Stan Records signs Britney Spears!” and then go on about how it’s really not a joke or some crap like that…

This is also the day where we tell you about all the shows that we have coming up and no, it’s not a joke, but; we don’t have any shows to tell you about this week.

We do, however want to point you at a little teeny tiny mention over at the Stranger’s Line Out where they say that you can’t find The Heels on Google. And after some extensive thirty seconds of investigation that turns out to be bullshit. Because three out of the top five items returned point to The Heels.


So anyway… Check back often for additions to the calendar and every Monday for an update to what the hell is going on here at Rockin’ Stan.

Thanks for playing!!